1. Get Started – Search For Domain


Type in your domain below and click search to check availability

.{{filterdomains}} ×
Add extension
Search extensions
  • {{tld}}

Search Results Action(s)

{{selectedDomainName}} is already taken



Other Domain Ideas


2. Name Your Site

Please nickname your site so you can easily find it in your dashboard later.

3. Your Items

2. Your Items

{{quote.PurchasedPlan.length}} products in Cart {{quote.PurchasedPlan.length}} product in Cart View Cart
Plan Name Period Price
{{webhosting.name}} {{webhosting.name}}


1 Month ${{period2.amount.toFixed(2)}} ×
Domain Name Period Price
{{cart.name}} 12 Months 1 year ${{period1.amount.toFixed(2)}} $0.00 ×
Use a domain I already own
Use a domain I already own Transfer domain to NCH
  Total: ${{(total).toFixed(2)}}
  Please wait ...

Choose a SharePoint Portal Address

Please select a type of portal address

Please note: Standard SharePoint portals require an A record for portal.{{Cart.domains[0].name}}. An A record is a Domain Name System (DNS) record that can be used to connect your domain name to an IP address. We will automatically do this for new domains you register wih us. If you are managing your DNS outside of NCH, please make sure that you create an A record for portal.{{Cart.domains[0].name}} to point to If you need assistance, contact support team where your domain is registered.


Portal URL is based on your domain name http://portal.{{Cart.domains[0].name}}

SSL encryption is not included. To make this site secure/encrypted, you may purchase an SSL certificate for this service using your NCH Conrol Panel.


Enter unique name for your SharePoint site on the secure NCH Networks SharePoint server:
